You don't have to be a Rockefeller (or a Gates, or a Chan-Zuckerberg), to be a philanthropist.
Being a philanthropist means being intentional about how and where you give.
Take our giving styles quiz to learn what type of philanthropist you are.
There's no one way to give but we do encourage you to be thoughtful. When you open your GivingFund, we'll help you develop a giving profile that suits your passions and your goals.
See All The Giving Styles
The Constant Advocate
She's passionate about social justice, and lately, she's been even more focused on what she can do to fight for causes she cares about. Every month she uses about 25% of her GivingFund to make donations to her favorite advocacy organization.
She keeps another half of her giving fund aside to make donations to NGOs when stories come up in the news - from healthcare to immigration.
The final quarter she keeps in investments to support companies that have progressive gender policies. After all, activism means voting with your investment dollars too.
The Grounded Giver
He’s been on a journey - one that he couldn’t be more thankful to have taken.
About half of his donations go to organizations he’s benefited from directly (like his alma mater) or that affect the city immediately around him (like the local soup kitchen).In fact, he has a personal connection to many of the organizations he donates to - either he knows someone on staff, or he volunteers there semi-regularly.
He loves the idea of investing in causes that support his local community, and buying locally sourced products. He keeps 40% of his funds in community investments vehicles. The profits he makes go back into his account, so he can give even more next year.
The Social Philanthropist
There are a couple of nonprofit organizations he likes to support because he has a personal connection with the mission - such as an organization that raises money for an illness that one of his family members has struggled with.
Outside of that, most of his donations occur when when friends and family email him with requests. He has a ton of college buddies who are always running races or shaving their beard for charity, or generally sending emails about nonprofits they care about.
At the end of the year, he checks out all the organizations he’s given to as a result of his connections. He feels good about supporting the causes his friends care about and the diversity of his philanthropy.
The Venture Backer
She wants her philanthropy to make an impact, even if it’s unconventional. She cares about causes like education and access to healthy food, and likes to fund innovative approaches. She keeps about half of her GivingFund aside for when she hears about a cool programs.
Sometimes she’ll meet someone starting a new community program, or working on getting an advocacy campaign off the ground and feel motivated to help them jump start the idea. At the end of the year, she revisits all the organizations and individuals she gave to, and antes up on a few that she she's really excited about.
The rest of her GivingFund she keeps in a social impact investment fund. While she hopes that some of her money is returned so she can grow her donation capital, she’s okay with some of the ventures failing as well - after all, change doesn’t happen unless you take risks.
The Focused Funder
Everything he does, he does with specific causes in mind. Whether it’s the life habits he develops, the purchases he makes, or the food he eats.
When it comes to philanthropy, he focuses on one specific cause where he feels uniquely compelled to give. Most of his donations go to the same nonprofits each month, but sometimes he makes adjustments throughout the year based on advice he gets from other deeply passionate friends and colleagues.
The remaining piece of his fund he invests in companies and causes that advance his mission. He sees capital markets as an important part of a holistic solution.
The Faithful Hero
She gives according to her faith - about 10% of her salary. Some say it’s a lot, but she’s committed to that amount, and it’s never hard for her to find great causes to give it away to. GivingFund just helps her stay accountable to this donation goal.
In fact, about most of this money goes directly to her place of worship. She feels good about supporting her community, the programs that they run, and the work they do with homeless and refugees.
The other quarter she gives to organizations that are aligned with her faith - sometimes they are outwardly religious organizations, but other times, they are just small NGOs that she feels are doing God’s work, or are recommended to her by friends.
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