Explore Generosity.
Ready to move from thinking about change to actually doing something about climate change? Education? Immigration? Social Justice?
Whatever your passions or lived experiences, a giving session help you get a handle on your next steps for impact.
Workshop Types:
Gather with your classmates, friends, faith communities and co-workers to talk more about impact and philanthropy. These sessions are the perfect way to learn from each others, and connect more deeply with your group.
Ready to really dive deep? We also host one-on-one sessions with individuals who are ready to explore how to transform their impact from one-off to strategic. With a little bit of pre-work, we’ll dig into your current giving and help you get to your future desired impact.
We’ll ask you to reflect individually and as a couple on your values, passions, and how you think about impact. We’ll get into your financial goals, and leave you with a plan specifically for you and your significant other to build your philanthropy together.
“I have long thought of myself as a socially-minded person, so it was a rude (and great) awakening to participate in a Giving Workshop.“
What to expect in a workshop…
Part 1: Impact
We ask you about your passions, your lived experiences, past experiences with philanthropy, what you care about, and what type of impact you want to have on the world. We’ll dig into philosophical questions, like your views on the merits of grassroots change versus research and innovation
Part 2: Finances
We talk about money - both the behavioral psychology of it, and the reality of it. We’ll help you think about what type of financial commitment you’re ready to give, and how to use commitment devices to keep you on track.
Part 3: Tools
We give you some tools. They’re free, they’re easy to use, they’re customizable. We use principles from investment strategy to help you balance your giving “portfolio” so you can hit both your impact goals and your financial goals.